Without Life, Nothing Matters. By Dennis Howard   July 2nd, 1864 “The Escaped Slave And The Union Soldier.” 1 THE ESCAPED SLAVE AND THE UNION SOLDIER Civil War Harper’s Weekly, July 2nd, 1864, page 422,428 “SURELY not the least interesting of the varied war pictures which we present to our readers this week will be two

Sermon – Dueling – Albany, 1838 */?>

Preached by William Sprague, in Albany, New York, on March 4, 1838. William Sprague (1795-1876) was born in Andover, Connecticut. He graduated from Yale in 1815, attended Princeton theological seminary for two years (he later received advanced degrees from Columbia, Harvard, and Princeton), and in 1819 was installed as a pastor of the West Springfield, Massachusetts’ First

Military/War */?>


♦ The Timothy Initiative 9/23/2009 Interview with Daniel deLiege ISLAM/MILITARY America has called on her military to stem the threat of radical Islam, yet that is like using a band-aid to cure cancer. The real answer to the problem of Muslim militants is to bring them face-to-face with the real Jesus Christ through proclamation of the