Historical Sermons

Election Sermons

Sermons preached to government officials at the state capitol upon the annual opening of the legislature

Military Sermons

Sermons preached on military topics

Artillery Sermons
Preached annually at the election of the officers of the militia.

Deployment Sermon

Military Related Sermons

Current Events/Newsworthy Occurrences

Sermons delivered on events occurring at that time

National Disaster Sermons

Sermons on national disasters (similar to bombing of the USS Cole)

History Sermons

Sermons on significant historical events

Eulogy Sermons

Sermons pertaining to the death of a famous person

Governmental Sermons

Sermons involving governmental issues

Patriotic Sermons

Sermons regarding American patriotism

Cultural Issue Sermons

Sermons involving cultural issues of the day

Holiday Sermons

Sermons preached on the occasion of an annual holiday

Special Holiday Sermons

Sermons preached on the occasion of an annual day of fasting or thanksgiving
(To see how to prepare a modern Thanksgiving Day sermon, visit the WallBuilders’ website.)

Great Awakening Sermons

Sermons preached by First Great Awakening (1730s and 1740s) and Second Great Awakening (1790s to 1830s) ministers