One Small Stone

One Small Stone

By Pastor Jake Kinnamon
Believer’s Church, Camden, Arkansas

Have you ever felt like our nation is going down a road in the wrong direction? Have you ever felt too insignificant to really make a difference? Recently I found myself answering yes to both of those questions. Pastoring in a small town in Camden, Arkansas, I have at times felt overwhelmed and even intimidated by the thought of getting involved in the political arena. I hesitated at the complicated notion of making a difference in an area rarely touched by clergy. After all, pastors should stay behind the pulpit preaching, counseling people in need and maybe visiting the sick. Right? Wrong! There is much more!

Recently I attended a men’s seminar informing us about the rising battle against Biblical values, specifically on the local level. David Barton of WallBuilders spoke an inspiring word that changed my outlook on many areas. He mentioned a quote by John Quincy Adams, “Duty is ours, results are God’s.” My heart burned to make a difference and I felt the Holy Spirit’s leading in our community. As I pondered my response and how I could get involved in this holy movement of turning America back to her roots of Biblical values, I knew that even a small pebble in a large pond can cause many ripples and affect many levels.

Upon returning to my small Arkansas town, I remembered an opportunity that had been discussed among a few local pastors including myself a few weeks earlier. We had the opportunity to host a “Meet the Candidates” event for our local elections. This seemed like my small stone! At the event, I listened to each candidate share their thoughts and beliefs on how to better our community. I noticed that each one only covered one area―economics. While that is a central need and concern of our community, I wanted to hear about where they stood on moral issues also. I approached the facilitator of the event and asked if there was a time for Q&A. He said that they had never had that in the past. I knew that this was my time to step up, speak up, and make a difference. Little did I know that I was about to throw my small stone into this massive lake of politics and make a ripple effect across our community. I persisted with the moderator about having some type of Q&A time with the candidates and open the floor up to the public for further inquiries. It was decided that this was a great need and they opened it up for questions after all the candidates were finished. I was thrilled!


At that point, when the floor was open for questions, I stepped up and asked what I thought were the two most relevant questions for our community. First, I asked each one their views concerning abortion and second I asked what their definition of marriage was. As I expected, their answers varied. Some of the candidates were pro-choice and some were not. With my questions answered, I noticed that the attendance was very low and became discouraged that more of our citizens had not been able to hear the question and answers and be able to make their voting decisions. I left the event feeling as though I had missed it and not really made a difference.

God had been at work through the entire event! This thing was about to take another turn for the good! I received a text from a friend with a picture of the front page of our local newspaper! Astonished, I read the headline, “Candidates Answer Questions!” Little did I know that during the event the local news reporter for the newspaper was one of the few people who attended the “Meet the Candidates” event. They documented all the questions asked and featured the moral issues on the front page of the newspaper! Our entire community was able to decide the right one for the job. A run-off election between two candidates with opposing views took place and … Pro-Life WON! Praise the Lord!

The ripples keep going. David Barton heard about this event and Rick Green called me for an interview on his globally syndicated radio show! I received calls, texts, Facebook messages and emails from people responding to my story!

Let me encourage you with these final words. Ask questions and do not fear the opinion of man rather than the Word of God. This nation depends on the righteous people of God standing up and proclaiming the truth of the Bible―the very truth that has caused this nation to be blessed. I still pastor, but I have decided that it is the church’s responsibility to bring answers from the Bible to all people, including and especially government officials! Remember―a seemingly small, insignificant stone can make many ripples!



Pastor Jake & Heidi Kinnamon
Believer’s Church, Camden, AR



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