Second Amendment

Second Amendment


Second Amendment

♦ Gods, Guns, & Government 6/16/13 (video)
By Dr. Kenyn Cureton
What does the Bible have to say about the use of weapons? Watch Dr. Cureton’s sermon as he looks at the Scriptures to answer the question of where God stands on the issue of self-defense, weapons, and even Jesus’ commands to turn the other cheek.


♦ A Biblical Perspective on Guns 3/3/13 (mp3)
By Tim Barton
Do gun control laws have an impact? Find out as Tim Barton explains the Biblical and historical perspective on guns and the current trend in gun control laws.


♦ Gun Control and the Bible (mp3)
Tim Brooks
Does gun control work? What should Christians think about gun control? Hear Tim Brooks explain what the Bible says about the issue and why Christians should pay attention to the issue.

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