Which Universities are Avoiding Christmas Related Themes?

Which Universities are Avoiding Christmas Related Themes?


Universities across the nation are forcing students to avoid anything related to Christmas. This includes anything related to seasonal displays and holiday parties. These three universities are the worst when it comes to the holiday spirit.

Cornell University

Cornell University is the worst. They tell their students “no one should hang mistletoe, and it’s not even for the reason you might think. The reason is even more ridiculous than that: Mistletoe is associated with Christmas, and non-Christian students could obviously be traumatized by having to see Christmas-related things during Christmastime.”

Additional items on Cornell University exclusion list are Christmas trees with religious themes like angels, and stars.  “To be fair, the university did say it was okay for students to ‘privately’ place religious-related items in their own rooms. Yes – ‘privately.’ So, like where? Inside of their pillow cases and under their beds?”

University of Tennessee— Knoxville

The university openly says that its “Best Practices for Inclusive Holiday Celebrations in the Workplace was not an official policy, but a way to show that the school is fully committed to a diverse, welcoming, and inclusive environment.”

The university also directed all students that they should not call Secret Santa “Secret Santa,” but instead something like “practical joke gift exchange” or “secret gift exchange,” neither of which really have the same ring to it. Games of Dreidel were deemed totally offensive no matter what you called them.” A Dreidel is a small four-sided spinning top with a Hebrew letter on each side, used during Hanukkah.

Ohio State University

They state “decorations and food should be general and not privilege any religion.” They also stated that Christmas bows of any kind are not permissible. Seeing red and green can be pretty traumatizing, but I feel like a simple sign outside of the party saying ‘Trigger Warning: You may encounter red and green at this party!’ would probably be enough.”

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