Advice on Muslim Immigration: Stop Being PC

Advice on Muslim Immigration: Stop Being PC

By Chad Groening  


A U.S.-born Middle East expert says if the United States doesn’t curb Islamic immigration, the whole of Western civilization is in trouble. He suggests putting political correctness aside and doing what’s morally right.

As reported earlier by OneNewsNow, an increasing number of French Jews are leaving for Israel because of the growing influence of radical Islam in that country. And even in Sweden, Islamic immigration is changing that once peaceful northern European nation.

David Rubin, a former mayor of the Israeli city of Shiloh, visited Sweden several weeks ago and says he is troubled by what he witnessed.

Rubin, David“They are seeing a big difference in the level of street crime, in the lack of freedom in their country,” he relates. “The culture of Europe is changing – and the United States is not that far behind.

“I say now is time for the United States to act to halt Islamic immigration, because if the United States doesn’t do that quickly then the whole of Western civilization is in trouble.”

Rubin says Islamic ideologues tend to concentrate their encroachment efforts on liberal areas of the country like Massachusetts because they can usually count on those communities to be compliant. That’s why he’s encouraged that the mayor of Springfield, Massachusetts, recently asked for a moratorium on Somali refugees being sent to his community.

“This [reaction from city leaders] is happening in Massachusetts – [and] we’re talking about the most liberal parts of the country,” he notes. “Maybe now a few people are starting to realize that decisive action, as politically incorrect as it may be, is the morally right thing to do if you want to save your country.”

Category: In The News, Muslim Religion

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