♦ The Timothy Initiative 9/23/2009

Interview with Daniel deLiege
America has called on her military to stem the threat of radical Islam, yet that is like using a band-aid to cure cancer. The real answer to the problem of Muslim militants is to bring them face-to-face with the real Jesus Christ through proclamation of the Gospel. Join us with our special guest Daniel deLiege as we hear how an outreach that began as the vision of one local, American Church has planted more than 3000 Churches in Islamic lands during the past three years.

♦ Serving God in the US Military 11/9/2007
Interview with Major General David Hicks
Can anything good come out of war? The military sure changed Major General David Hicks’ life after he heard the words, “Sarge, how would you like to start life all over again?” He became a Christian and later a chaplain! Learn how chaplains bring hope and help to troops today.

♦ Soldiers, Servants, and Sons 11/5/2006
By Dr. D. James Kennedy
Dr. Kennedy speaks about the three main roles of a Christian.

♦ When Storm Clouds Gather 2/2/07
By Dr. D. James Kennedy
WAR – The Bible makes it very clear that there are times when force must be used to stop evil-even if it means war! Does the Bible justify war? Certainly! A quick scan of the Old Testament makes that very clear! But when… and why?

♦ Korean War Memorial (Part 1) 5/23/03
By Dr. D. James Kennedy
WAR / WORLDVIEW – Why do atheistic nations always fail-politically, economically, or both? “Because when they try to kill God, they succeed only in destroying man and his humanity” (Dr. D. James Kennedy). Find out why in Dr. D. James Kennedy’s address from the Korean War Memorial dedication.

♦ Korean War Memorial (Part 2) 5/26/03
By Dr. D. James Kennedy
WAR – “‘Freedom is not free,’ we read on the marble wall [of the Korean War Memorial], and the freedom that Christ offers to us is not free either” (Dr. D. James Kennedy). In dedicating the Memorial, Dr. D. James Kennedy reminds us that there is a price to pay for all freedom! What is it, and who will pay it?

Category: Historical Life, Military/War, Modern Sermons

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