100,000 Christians Later Navy Chaplin is Exonerated

100,000 Christians Later Navy Chaplin is Exonerated


Facing the risk of discharge from the Navy, Navy Chaplain Wes Modder was exonerated.

Chaplain Wes Modder, who’s served our nation for 20 years, has been facing disciplinary action from the Navy after sharing his faith based values regarding homosexuality. But with the help of organizations like the Liberty Institute and the Family Research Council over 100,000 Americans took a stand.

Americans from all over the country called on the U. S. Navy to reinstate a chaplain who was facing discipline for speaking about his faith. The outcry was so severe that Congress received over 50,000 emails orchestrated by the American Family Association. Mike Berry, who is senior counsel for the Liberty Institute commented, ‘I think that it is appropriate for the American public to be outraged over this.’ He went on to say that, ‘In fact, it sends a message to him that he has relayed to me, that the American public has his back.’

And this should send a strong message to any Christian who is considering a stand for their faith in their workplace or any other segment of society.

Chaplain Wes Modder expressed his gratitude by saying:

‘I am called by my faith to express love for all, regardless of the diversity of backgrounds from which they come and I will continue to follow my faith in all things. I am grateful to be able to continue the ministry God called me to do.’

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