Pro-Life Politics: A Man from Montana Stands in the Gap for the Unborn

Pro-Life Politics: A Man from Montana Stands in the Gap for the Unborn


Steve Daines, Montana Senator, is 2,000 miles from home on a mission to change Washington, DC.

In an exclusive interview with Bound4Life, Senator Daines shares a very personal look at his faith and dives into the reason why he decided to run for office. From explaining the personal decision he made as a college student to truly put his ‘own weight on faith’ to the fond memories of his grandfather, who was a Lutheran minister, he explains the deep conviction he carries as an elected official.

When asked by Bound4Life, ‘What compelled you to run for public office?’ he answers:

‘There were a number of things that came together. I remember speaking at a Focus on the Family event in Colorado Springs…We got to watch an early pre-screening of the film Amazing Grace, the story of William Wilberforce. That movie had a great impact on my wife and I….it started to raise some questions in our minds.’

Asked if he finds it difficult being a person of faith in Washington D. C., Senator Daines explains his belief, that it is more difficult if you are not a person of faith. He states that lawmakers need wisdom quoting James 1:5: ‘If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives generously to all.’

And then Senator Daines is asked about his recent effort in a bipartisan group of senators to investigate Planned Parenthood.

He responds: ‘How can anyone watch these videos and not be outraged at what they contain? An important role we have here in Congress is oversight, so it’s vital we investigate Planned Parenthood.’

Read the full article here: Are Any Politicians Truly Pro-Life on Abortion? Here’s One Who Will Give You Hope

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