Fill their 100,000 Air-Conditioned Tents or Build Mosques for Refugees

Fill their 100,000 Air-Conditioned Tents or Build Mosques for Refugees


Germany, Lebanon and all of Europe have taken refugees from Syria. While most European countries have been criticized for not taking enough refugees. Lebanon alone has taken over 1.3 million refugees. That number is in contrast to what Saudi Arabia has taken. They claim to have taken 500,000 refugees but according to the Washington Post have accepted zero refugees.

Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air conditioned tents that can house over 3 million people. In the city of Mina they use these tents 5 days out of the year for the Haji pilgrimage. As the website Amusing Planets reports, “For the rest of the year, Mina remains pretty much deserted.”

These deserted tents in Saudi Arabia could provide shelter for the almost 4 million refugees who have fled the civil war stricken land of Syria. While Saudi Arabia has refused to take any refugees, it has offered to build 200 mosques for the 500,000 migrants in Germany.

Europe is facing an immense problem with millions of refugees who do not share the same cultural or religious beliefs they do. Gulf Arab states refuse to take immigrants, and instead they think they can fix the problem by throwing money at it.

There is a little chance Saudi Arabia will invite Syrian refugees to its country,and the thousands of empty tents show an unwillingness to help their fellow brother.

Read the full article here: Global Research

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